Sunday, November 29, 2009

A boat experiment

The exercise was to construct a boat which is selfpropelled, paddling with rubber band, motor, sail, steam,...anything goes. Boys decided for steam. A can of evaporated milk had to give its life and the Kaitaia Engineers sold some copper piping thin enough for the exercise.
Trailing the steam production was satisfactory.
German Opa and Oma rang up on Skype in the middle of construction. Lars is showing off the hull construction. After that, the boys constructed some outriggers for stability.
To make sure there is enough steam pressure to propell this big boat, they also decided to have a flame fuelled by Methylates Spirits instead of a candle, so the interior ripps were modified and a 'fuel container' constructed.
Back at Lake Ngatu, Lars poured some meth into the boat but spilled some into the boat. Instead of aborting the task, he lit the container anyway - and in the process rather more than just the fuel container. They had enough time to the boat propell before interior burnt out and the outriggers melted off.
The end result was a good laugh :-)
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